National Geographic Magazine - 1971-04
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Periodicals | 11 March 2009
Apr 1971
It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.
Tags: events , current , culture , photographyNational , Geographic
National Geographic Magazine - 1971-03
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Periodicals | 11 March 2009
Mar 1971
It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.
Tags: events , current , culture , photographyNational , Geographic
National Geographic Magazine - 1971-02
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Periodicals | 10 March 2009
Feb 1971
It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.
Tags: events , current , culture , photography , National , Geographic , photographyNational
National Geographic Magazine - 1971-01
Added by: elcortez | Karma: 407.08 | Periodicals | 9 March 2009
Issue 900
Jan 1971
It contains articles about people, nature, the planet, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.
Edited by: stovokor - 29 March 2009 Reason: Better picture (read 1. on Did You Know? post)
Tags: events , current , culture , photographyNational , Geographic
Driving Women: Fiction and Automobile Culture in Twentieth-Century America
Added by: nadella | Karma: 89.46 | Non-Fiction | 28 February 2009
Over the years, cars have helped to define the experiences and self-perceptions of women in complex and sometimes unexpected ways. When women take the wheel, family structure and public space are reconfigured and re-gendered, creating a context for a literary tradition in which the car has served as a substitute for, an escape from, and an extension of the home, as well as a surrogate mother, a financial safeguard, and a means of self-expression.Edited by: ENGLISHTIPS_admin - 21 December 2010 Reason: 'spoiler' tags added
Tags: driving , women , automobile , culture , extension , surrogate , mother , financial , safeguard