This English version of the French publication, (Dictionnaire du Génie Civil, published by the Conseil International de la Langue Française in 1997) will be a valuable reference tool for civil engineers. There are over 12,000 definitions accompanied by more than 1,300 charts, tables, and graphs.
Added by: ravivar | Karma: 220.50 | Exam Materials » SAT | 3 February 2013
Busted - SAT / ACT Vocabulary Novel
Smart Novels are compelling, full-length novels with edgy and mature themes that will appeal to teens. Each book showcases more than 1,000 vocabulary words frequently included on the SAT. Brief definitions appear on the same page so that readers can quickly access and digest the meanings as they read along.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Science literature | 12 December 2012
Legal Terminology Explained is designed for students and teachers in legal career programs, in law-related programs, and in programs that overlap the law. It provides accurate definitions to law-related words and phrases and discusses each word and phrase in a brief narrative among related words and phrases, in a logical progression, according to a high-level outline. It strips legal terminology of its oftentimes confusing, excessive, or unnecessary explanations and in turn, provides the student with clear and concise definitions.
Аланис Мориссет, одна из наиболее успешных исполнителей последних десяти лет, делится своими мыслями по поводу современной мировой политики, музыки и др. Интервью представляют собой аудио версии американских и британских телешоу.
Alanis Morissette, one of the most successful singers of the past ten years, shares her thoughts about current world policy, about her music and many other topics.