Thirty-nine authentic pictures taken from Tutankhamun's Tomb and other shrines at Thebes, from the 18th-20th Dynasties. Identifying captions with historical information accompany each drawing and a brief introduction and glossary of gods complete this fine source of ancient Egyptian pictorial design. 39 plates.
Coraling Technique: Step-by-Step Instructions For Making Ten Original Design Necklaces, Bracelets And Earrings In The Most Popular Russian Beading Te
The book is a practical guide for making ten beaded necklaces, bracelets and earrings. It includes over 50 clear and descriptive diagrams, carefully detailing every step of the process.
Fresh work, new design firms, established design gurus, and more than 300 innovative letterhead and logo designs. This volume is a terrific, creative addition to the very popular series.