I really like Tom Sharpe. But after reading the South African novels and then jumping ahead to Blott on the Landscape (a classic), I was disappointed in this one. I have a difficult time with novels wherein the protagonist an unlikeable jerk. I had no empathy for him whatsoever. The book had a contrived setup for the main plot device (the hostage situation), which took up half the book. The foreign student was poorly developed and her mid-narrative personality shift was quite hard to swallow. The only saving grace in the book was Wilt's wife, who has a force of character that stole the show. She should have been the protagonist.
This book applies linguistic analysis to the poetry of Emeritus Professor Edwin Thumboo, a Singaporean poet and leading figure in Commonwealth literature. The work explores how the poet combines grammar and metaphor to make meaning, making the reader aware of the linguistic resources developed by Thumboo as the basis for his unique technique.
Ear reconstruction is required in a variety of patients, including especially those with congenital anomalies and associated deformities. In this book, a renowned practitioner in ear reconstruction explains the approaches that he has personally developed over the past 40 years in order to improve surgical results and also presents important new concepts.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, CAE | 12 September 2014
Spotlight on CAE is a completely new, comprehensive course carefully written to the new CAE exam specifications introduced in December 2008. It prepares adult and younger learners to excel in the revised exam. All four skills are developed within each of the sixteen units, and are supported by an overall skills-based examination syllabus.
A History of World Agriculture: From the Neolithic Age to the Current Crisis
Only once we understand the long history of human efforts to draw sustenance from the land can we grasp the nature of the crisis that faces humankind today, as hundreds of millions of people are faced with famine or flight from the land. From Neolithic times through the earliest civilizations of the ancient Near East, in savannahs, river valleys and the terraces created by the Incas in the Andean mountains, an increasing range of agricultural techniques have developed in response to very different conditions. These developments are recounted in this book, with detailed attention to the ways in which plants, animals, soil, climate, and society have interacted.