Bilingualism in Development describes research on the intellectual development of bilingual children, showing how it is different from that of monolingual children. The focus is on preschool children, examining how they learn language, how they acquire literacy skills, and how they develop problem-solving ability in different domains. It is unique in that it assembles a wide range of research on children's development and interprets it within an analysis of how bilingualism affects that development. It is the only book to interpret this large research from a single theoretical perspective, leading to coherent conclusions
This definitive Handbook is the result of collaboration by top scholars in the field of children's cognition. It provides state-of-the-art summaries of current research by international specialists in different areas of cognitive development, written to be of interest to scholars as well as upper level students.
If postmodernism is about anything goes, and I do not think it is , the existence of this encyclopedia indicates that something stays, and that something is this stimulating reference work. - Reference Reviews [April 2001]
This encyclopedia follows others from the Routledge stable in showing a sure scholarly understanding of the ideas and critical cross-currents in the field - Reference Reviews Reuploaded thanks to Darkness
Research on reading has tried, and failed, to account for wide disparities in reading skill even among children taught by the same method. Why do some children learn to read easily and quickly while others, in the same classroom and taught by the same teacher, don't learn to read at all? In Language Development and Learning to Read, Diane McGuinness examines scientific research that might explain these disparities.
Muscular Development, July 2009 (US) Muscular Development provides scientific information on sports, nutrition & training- written by doctors & specialists in the field. Each issue is packed with info on training regimens & nutritional supplements that will help you build a stronger, healthier body & perform at your best.