Almost all languages have some grammatical means for the linguistic categorization of nouns. Well-known systems such as the lexical numeral classifiers of South-East Asia, on the one hand, and the highly grammaticalized gender agreement classes of Indo-European languages, on the other, are the extremes of a contiuum. They can have a similar semantic basis, and one can develop from the other. Classifiers come in different morphological forms; they can be free nouns, clitics, or affixes.
This collection of essays by international academics draws on a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities to examine how far the expectations and forms of genre shape different kinds of autobiography and influence what messages they can convey.
Данный четырехуровневый курс английского языка для детей 8-12 лет, может быть использован учащимися с разным уровнем языковой подготовки. В книге для учителя вы найдете подробный план для каждого урока, дополнительные материалы для работы в классе, ответы к упражнениям и тестовые задания.
This four-course English language classes for children 8-12 years old, can be used by students at different levels of language training. The book for teachers, you will find a detailed plan for each lesson, additional material for the class, the answers to the exercises and tests. ENGLISH ONLY!
Added by: Hanna Kash | Karma: 34.17 | Kids | 17 September 2008
Рабочая тетрадь к уже выложенному здесь учебнику Friends 3 издательства Longman.
Friends is a four-level course for 9-13 year olds that is specially designed for students different learning styles as they mature. It takes students from beginner to pre-intermediate level.
This dictionary presents a complete listing of the collocations in the
Brown Corpus, which is the standard American corpus containing one
million words of text from many different genres dating from 1961.
Collocations, as defined by the author, are recurring sequences of
grammatically well-formed items. They make up the building blocks of
the native speaker's mental lexicon and hence are an essential element
of linguistic competence. Examples of collocations are: at the outset,
could be expected to, not significantly different from, peaceful
coexistence, powdered coffee, and with great difficulty. The dictionary
lists some 85,000 collocational types; for each collocation there are
statistics showing its frequency, distribution, and degree of
prominence. It will be an invaluable reference source for researchers
in linguistics, English-language teaching, lexicography, stylistics,
and automatic language analysis.