In spite of the growing literature on discourse analysis, some of which focuses on representations of self and other, the analysis of the relationship of discourse to violent/non-violent outcomes of conflicts is an under researched area. This book combines theories on ethnic conflict, theories on identity construction and discourse analysis with a comprehensive and inclusive survey of the countries of the former Yugoslavia, embracing film, radio, television and newspapers.
Martin and Bednarek address the need for innovative analyses of multi-modal discourse, identity and affiliation within functional linguistics. "New Discourse on Language" addresses the need for innovative analyses of multi-modal discourse, identity and affiliation within functional linguistics. The chapters in this volume are connected by their common underlying theoretical approach, Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), and by their focus on semantic variation (across modalities of communication and between speakers) as well as the negotiation of identity and affiliation.
The relationship between language, discourse and identity has always been a major area of sociolinguistic investigation. In more recent times, the field has been revolutionized as previous models - which assumed our identities to be based on stable relationships between linguistic and social variables - have been challenged by pioneering new approaches to the topic. This volume brings together a team of leading experts to explore discourse in a range of social contexts. By applying a variety of analytical tools and concepts, the contributors show how we build images of ourselves through language and more
‘Subordination’ versus ‘Coordination’ in Sentence and Text
The papers collected in this volume (including a comprehensive introduction) investigate semantic and discourse-related aspects of subordination and coordination, in particular the relationship between subordination/coordination at the sentence level and subordination/coordination - or hierarchical/non-hierarchical organization - at the discourse level.