This captivating book, laced with evocative anecdotes from the field, gives the first holistic, up-to-date overview of dinosaurs and their world for a wide audience of readers. Situating these fascinating animals in a broad ecological and evolutionary context, leading dinosaur expert Scott D. Sampson fills us in on the exhilarating discoveries of the past twenty-five years, the most active period in the history of dinosaur paleontology, during which more "new" species were named than in all prior history.
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | Black Hole | 20 November 2009
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest in the solar system. Along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, it is classified as a gas giant—the large planets made mostly of gas and ice. The book describes Uranus's place in the solar system, its rings and moons, its orbit, and the discoveries and space missions that have helped scientists understand the planet.
Added by: lucius5 | Karma: 1660.85 | Non-Fiction, Other | 22 October 2009
Archaeology continually makes headlines--from recent discoveries like the frozen Copper-Age man in the Italian Alps to the newest dating of the first people in America at over 14,0000 years ago. Archaeology For Dummies offers a fascinating look at this intriguing field, taking readers on-site and revealing little-known details about some of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction, Maths | 18 April 2008
This is a colorful tour through the intriguing world of mathematics.
Take a grand tour of the best of modern math, its most elegant solutions, most clever discoveries, most mind bending propositions, and most impressive personalities.
English Discoveries ("Открываем для себя английский")
- это интерактивная мультимедийная обучающая программа для изучения
английского языка, педагогическое содержание которой было разработано
совместно компаниями Edusoft и Berlitz International.
English Discoveries представляет собой серию из
двенадцати компакт-дисков (CD-ROM) для изучения английского языка,
разделенную на следующие пять основных уровней:
1. Let’s start
(для начинающих) - первый модуль серии, предназначенный для учащихся,
совершенно не знакомых с английским (главное внимание уделяется
алфавиту, числам и основной лексике - пища, одежда и т.д.)
2. Basic (основной) - 3 компакт-диска
3. Intermediate (средний уровень) - 3 компакт-диска
4. Advanced (продвинутый) - 4 компакт-диска (включая обзорный модуль - 1 CD)
5. Executive (практический) - 1 компакт-диск (деловой английский) Only for RUSSIAN speakers!