Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Mammals Around the World
Journey around the globe for a look at the wide variety of mammal species that inhabit Earth. You'll visit Morocco, Nepal, Brazil, and Tanzania and meet many animals, including red pandas, capybaras, giant river otters, mouse opossums, Malayan fruit bats, and giraffes.
Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Amphibians
What allows these cold-blooded vertebrates to live in water and on land? Examine many different species of amphibians, including salamanders in Florida, the bufo marinus toad in California, the monkey frog in the Amazon, and the red-eyed tree frog and the blue jean frog in Costa Rica.
Find out why farmers in Queensland, Australia, are waging war against flying foxes — giant fruit-eating bats. Watch Jeff rescue one victim of the conflict. And investigate the effects of a deadly bat-borne virus.
Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Australia: A Grand Island Ecosystem
Jeff Corwin visits Australia's unique creatures, found nowhere else on Earth. He tries to find the endangered species that were displaced when humans settled on the land long ago are now fighting to make a comeback.
Jeff Corwin journeys to Peru to help save the rare and elusive spectacled bear. South America's largest carnivore — its only bear species — is on the edge of extinction. Hoping to learn how to protect this bear species, Jeff and researchers trap and radio collar a bear to track it in the wild.