Discovery School - Jeff Corwin Experience: Africa: Zanzibar's Archipelago
Follow in the footsteps of explorer Stanley Livingstone to unlock the exotic secrets of the animals of Zanzibar. From the 30-pound coconut crab to the tiny suni gazelle and rare giant tortoise, seldom-seen species thrive in a remote and mysterious land.
Explore the mysterious regions inside the human body. See how vital organs interconnect to make human life possible. Learn how skeletons fit together. Witness the lightness and strength of bone, how muscles work as levers, what it takes to achieve the "perfect" body. See how the heart functions, and learn the roles of white and red blood cells. Discover the complex systems controlling breathing, digestion, glandular changes, and hearing.
On December 7, 1941, five brothers exploring a shaft on a small island off the coast of Washington State make an extraordinary discovery, only to be interrupted by news of Pearl Harbor.
'Lookalooka! Down there! Eeeeeeeee!' Tansy gazed into the rift. With a gasp of horror she found herself staring into the eyeless sockets of a skull... Thunder rumbled as a vivid flash of lightning lit up the stark scene. A scream of terror tore itself from the hedgehog maid's throat. The gruesome discovery of a skeleton in Mossflower woods heralds the start of both a mystery and a quest.
Will Arctic wildlife adapt to global climate changes? Will melting ice and rising sea levels force the coastal inhabitants inland? Join biologists on a five-month research expedition through the Arctic to find answers to these and other impending questions.