With new readings from nineteen internationally renowned scholars, Reading Derrida's Of Grammatology is a significant reassessment and informed discussion of Jacques Derrida’s landmark 1967 text.
Introductions to Applied Linguistics consists of introductory level textbooks covering the core topics in Applied Linguistics, designed for those entering postgraduate studies and language professionals returning to academic study. The books take an innovative "practice to theory" approach, with a ‘back to front’ structure which takes the reader from real life problems and issues in the field, then enters into a discussion of intervention and how to engage with these concerns. The final section concludes by tying the practical issues to theoretical foundations.
This Korean EFL reading and discussion text is the first book in a two volume set. It has 30 chapters covering a variety of subjects including medical patients right to know, surrogate motherhood, rape, euthanasia, suicide, women in combat, gun control, environmental destruction and drunk driving. Each chapter consists of a short reading passage followed by comprehension questions, discussion questions and opinions.
The first part of the book contains various types of grammar exercises: paraphrasing, multiple-choice technique, inserting the verb in the appropriate form, filling gaps, translation. Part two deals with reading texts with questions and situations to play, discussion topics and grammatical sets.
Short Stories for Students contains concise synopses of the story's plot, characters and themes, along with a brief author biography, a discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance and excerpted criticism geared specifically towards the high school student. Researchers will also find information on media adaptations of the story, discussion questions and suggestions on what to read next.