Relatively tiny Ireland (32,600 sq. miles) packs great attractions into a small area. You can pack a lot of diverse experiences into your trip with this book as your guide.
British English A to Zed gives readers immediate access to an alphabetical listing of either the thousands of "Briticisms" cited in the general entries or the correlating "Americanisms" that appear throughout the book. This updated edition features more than 5,000 entries, including new words, both formal and slang, and words from sources as diverse as London businesses and Bridget Jones's Diary.
In this lively and accessible introduction to Sylvia Plath's writing, Bassnett offers a balanced view of one of the finest modern poets. Bassnett argues that there can never be any definitive version of the Plath story, but from close reading of the texts she left behind, readers can discover the excitement of her diverse work. The second edition includes three new chapters and ends with a reading of Ted Hughes' Birthday Letters.
A major new collection from "arguably the most important intellectual alive" (The New York Times). Noam Chomsky is universally accepted as one of the preeminent public intellectuals of the modern era. Over the past thirty years, broadly diverse audiences have gathered to attend his sold-out lectures.
Despite the spread of multilingualism, the number of research studies in multilingual contexts is scarce. This book deals with this question by examining would-be teachers' language use and attitudes, as their influence on future generations can be enormous. The use of the same questionnaire and the same methodology allows the reader to compare the results obtained in different European bilingual contexts, where the presence of diverse foreign languages leads to a situation in which several languages are in contact.