Easy English More and more English learners at schools are discovering Spot on. Every issue features interviews with top international stars, in-depth reports on youth-related topics and insights into the lives of teens in the English-speaking world. Teachers recommend Spot on as an effective and entertaining classroom tool. There's no better way to improve your marks in the world's most popular language!
Creative Teaching & Learning Resource Book (Creativity for Learning)
An exciting mixed product of print and downloadalbe resources, this book presents over 200 tips, tools and practical strategies for more effective teaching and learning that can be used in your classroom tomorrow. The emphasis is on exciting, inclusive learning experiences which genuinely engage learners and raise motivation. The book is a follow up to the ground-breaking Creative Teaching and Learning Toolkit which sets out the key principles of effective teaching and learning.
How Very Effective Primary Schools Work (Published in association with the British Educational Leadership and Management Society)Published in association with the British Educational Leadership and Management Society
All good teachers and headteachers are concerned with improving pupil attainment. In high attainment schools, they must recognize how to sustain success. In schools with low attainment levels, they must come to understand the challenges they face and find ways of overcoming the difficulties. This practical, research-based book describes the key approaches used by very effective schools. The authors explain how success can be achieved and maintained and describe ways of working that bring about high levels of pupil attainment. They also explain why these ways of working are successful.
The Effective Teacher's Guide to Dyslexia and other Learning Difficulties (Learning Disabilities): Practical strategies (The Effective Teacher's Guide
Offering valuable practical advice, this book provides the ordinary classroom teacher with enough information to equip them with a range of strategies to tackle everyday classroom situations. This book expertly guides the reader through:
legal and policy contexts
terms and definitions
interventions and rationale
approaches related to different curriculum subjects
Listening: The Forgotten Skill: A Self-Teaching Guide
A proven program for turning effective listening into a powerful business tool Managers and other employees spend more than 40 percent of their time listening to other people but often do it so poorly that the result is misunderstood instructions, misdirected projects, and erroneous actions--millions of dollars' worth of mistakes just because most people don't know how to listen. In this new edition of her classic guide to the art of effective listening, The author shows you how to acquire active, productive listening skills and put them to work for you--professionally, socially, and personally.