The Teaching of Psychology: Essays in Honor of Wilbert J. McKeachie and Charles L. Brewer
The book's main goal is to provide comprehensive coverage and analysis of the basic philosophies, current issues, and the basic skills related to effective teaching in psychology. It transcends the typical "nuts and bolts" type books and includes such topics as teaching at small colleges versus a major university, teaching and course portfolios, the scholarship of teaching, what to expect early in a teaching career, and lifelong learning.
The Teacher's role must be redefined to meet the needs and demands of today's culture and the Edutainer is the paradigm shift needed for education to be relevant, applicable, and effective in the 21st Century. This book describes an educational approach that provides teachers with core operational and interpersonal skills including communication, organization, management, planning, and building authentic relationships based upon respect and personal responsibility to be an effective educator in the twenty-first century.
Authors here have written a comprehensive reference for faculty to use to hone their skills as online instructors and for students to use to become more effective online learners. Filled with numerous examples from actual online courses and insights from teachers and students, Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom covers the entire online teaching process. This essential guide offers helpful suggestions for dealing with such critical issues as evaluating effective courseware, working with online classroom dynamics...
Practice in a Second Language: Perspectives from Applied Linguistics and Cognitive PsychologyPractice as a necessity for learning a second language has been a tacit assumption among language teachers for quite some time; however, the concept has not been widely considered from a theoretical perspective until now. This volume of twelve original articles focuses on the topic, with attention to the four skill areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
AACN Essentials of Critical-Care Nursing Pocket Handbook, Second Edition
Essential Data Critical Care Nurses Must Know Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, this go-anywhere handbook features tables and figures that encapsulate all the information required to give safe and effective care to critically ill patients.