The study of literature and culture has a need for theories to explain cultural objects and events. Literature is about life, and in human life, forces similar to gravity are at work, making some bodies fall and others rise, making some beams of human light straight and true while bending and warping others. Those events would be inexplicable without a theory to account for them.
An advanced reference resource, The Encyclopedia of the Novel offers authoritative accounts of the history, terminology, genre and theory of the novel, in over 150 articles written by leading scholars in the field . Part of the Encyclopedia of Literature.
With an ever-growing variety of sports and exercise opportunities open to people of all ages, classes, and races, participation in casual sports has blossomed in recent decades, while interest in collegiate and professional sports has continued to soar. The field of sports medicine is thriving in response to the demand for health care professionals to care for people involved in vigorous exercise. Now more than ever, it is imperative that doctors, physical therapists, surgeons, nurses, and alternative medicine practitioners understand and are able to treat effectively the types of conditions stemming
This compact desk reference is the new single-volume abridgment of the world-renowned "bible" of chemical technology, the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemcial Technology. Masterfully distilling the essence of this larger work into a useful daily tool, it makes the parent Encyclopedia's comprehensive, authoraitative, and lucidly-written data instantly available in an extremely convenient and user-friendly form.
This title is part of successful History of Science series. Other titles include Science in the Ancient World: An Encyclopedia (2004), Science in the Contemporary World: An Encyclopedia (2005), Science in the Enlightenment: An Encyclopedia (2003), and The Scientific Revolution: An Encyclopedia (2001). The title under review covers developments in the scientific disciplines from 1900 to about 1950.