This book gives the reader an overview of how Oil & Gas Facilities are engineered. It covers their entire design cycle, from the high level functional duty to the detailed design. Each engineering task is described and illustrated with a sample document taken from a real project. Unlike engineering manuals which generally cover a specific discipline, such as process or civil engineering only, this work covers them
Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering
Analytical and comprehensive, this state-of-the-art book, examines the mechanics and engineering of unsaturated soils, as well as explaining the laboratory and field testing and research that are the logical basis of this modern approach to safe construction in these hazardous geomaterials putting them into a logical framework for civil engineering and design.
Вводный курс морского технического английского языка. An introductory course of marine engineering english
Год: 2004
Страниц: 142
Язык: Русский, Английский
В данной книге содержатся учебные и оригинальные тексты, которые в сочетании с лексико-грамматическими упражнениями и словарем научат пользователей извлекать профессионально значимую информацию из технических и юридических документов.
Цель учебно-методического пособия - подготовить будущих специалистов к международному профессиональному общению на английском языке по широкому профилю нефтегазового вуза, а именно: развить лексические и грамматические навыки и умения чтения, говорения, письма, перевода, конспектирования, аннотирования и реферирования.
The aim of the text is to train undergraduates to communicate English internationally on the wide range of subjets of oil and gas industry, i.e. to develop lexical, grammar, reading, writing and speaking skills, as well as some basics of translation, summarising, abstracting, etc.