English Adventure makes learning English a magical, memorable experience, by using the familiar fantastic world of Disney characters that children know and love. Let your kids enjoy this world, play games and practice their English with this CD-ROM.
nursikEnglish Sketches from the English Teaching Theatre Book 1 (Elementary )& Book 2 (Intermediate)accompanied by Teaching Notes and the complete sets of Audio Материалы, в разное время любезно предоставленные Nursik , ENGLISHTIPS_admin , и trzcina позволили нам полностью восстановить комплект материалов "English Sketches" (Tapescripts, Teaching Notes, Audio), и организовать весь, специально переработанный материал в виде 1 поста. (см.далее)
The "FCE Use of English 2" is a practice book intended mainly for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but it is also useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation.
Children Learning English (The Teacher Development Series)
Собрание "полезностей" для преподавателей, пытающихся научить английскому малышей (Young Learners). Здесь вы найдёте множество новых и хорошо забытых старых идей, детальный анализ и характеристики процесса восприятия языка детьми данного возраста, сможете лучше понять, что в теории и на практике представляет собой преподавание английского детям.
The Teacher Development Series - a series for teachers, trainers and academic managers. This series will promote development by dealing with professional topics in a personal way. The aim is to deepen understanding, raise self-awareness and encourage self-direction and choice. CHILDREN LEARNING ENGLISH is for teachers of English to young learners. It offers you discussion, discovery activities, and real-life examples from classrooms around the world, to help you: - create enjoyable and successful lessons with young children; - observe and respond to your pupil's learning and thinking; - understand the special characteristics of children as language-learners; - create, adapt and analyse activities and resources for the primary English classroom; - gain insights into your own beliefs and practice; - understand the theory and practice of teaching English to children.