American History Magazine from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the celebration of 224 years of glorious freedom, American History explores and examines the changing times and growing history of the United States. In-depth articles and engaging essays from top historians and journalists give readers a complete overview of a never-ending story: the story of America.
Exclusively for! Each essay is a separate rtf file! For students and teachers of English! Categories like: Area & Geography, Arts Drama & Film, Bibliography, Educational Studies and others!
The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society (3 Vol.Set)
Mathematics is at the root of modern civilization, from measuring temperature on a frigid day to driving a car. This set explores the math behind our daily lives in 490 accessible, easy to understand essays. Plus, complimentary online access is provided through Salem Science.
A paragraph is still a fairly short kind of communication, however. If you have a lot more to say, one paragraph will not be enough. Groups of paragraphs may be required. A group of paragraphs, all sharing a common theme or topic, written so that one paragraph leads into the next, is called a composition or an essay. Essays can be narrative, descriptive, or expository, in exactly the same way as paragraphs can. In Writing Paragraphs, you investigated the writing strategiesand techniques required to create a one-paragraph essay. In this module, you willsee how these same methods are used to create longer essays.
Content and Justification presents a series of essays by Paul Boghossian on the theory of content and on its relation to the phenomenon of a priori knowledge.Part one comprises essays on the nature of rule-following and its relation to the problem of mental content; on the intelligibility of eliminativist views of the mental; on the prospects for a naturalistic reduction of mental content; and on the currently influential view that meaning is a normative notion.