The Essay Connection presents a provocative and timely collection of rhetorically arranged essays by professional and student writers that stimulate critical thinking on ethical, social, and political issues, enabling students to make connections and write with a more informed point of view. The essays range from the personal to the scientific and cover a variety of modes--including narration, process analysis, comparison and contrast, and persuasion--to prompt students' interest in different disciplines and genres. Both the professionally written essays and the student ones inspire and motivate students who are taking composition as a requirement.
В пособии приводятся образцы эссе и заданий, которые даются во второй части письменного экзамена по IELTS – Writing Task Two, General and Academic Modules.
The text might be used by Non-Russian Speakers of English but only as the source of IELTS Tasks, Topics, etc. as all the explanation is done in Russian.
The Write Stuff: Thinking through Essays equips developing writers with the critical thinking skills they need to interpret and analyze information and express their ideas clearly and logically in writing.
The Civil War retains a powerful hold on the American imagination, with each generation since 1865 reassessing its meaning and importance in American life. This volume collects twelve essays by leading Civil War scholars who demonstrate how the meanings of the Civil War have changed over time.