The way you manage your e-mail affects your efficiency at work. Learn to make optimum use of your e-mail software so that it helps you to function in an organized manner.
Green Business gives hard-working guidance on how to do business ethically and sustainably, while still turning a tidy profit. Part of the best-selling Essential Managers series, this book will carry the same livery on the jacket, but will have a completely modern, updated design. New books in this series will cover hot business topics that are in-step with today's rapidly changing market place.
Successful Interview Skills: How to Prepare, Answer Tough Questions and Get Your Ideal Job
Everyone at some point in their life will have to attend an interview. Whether they are applying for a job, a promotion, a training program, or college admission, they’ll likely have an interview. The need to create a good impression will be essential.
Handcraft in Wood and Metal, a Handbook of Training in Their Practical Working for Teachers, Students, & Craftsmen
In elementary handcraft the tendency has always been to depart from traditional methods of construction and processes, but in the authors' opinion even the simplest models can be based upon traditional lines, and whether the object of the teacher be vocation or education, due regard to tradition and right methods is essential.
Practical coverage of all the esential skills needed to shed light on photographic lighting techniques in any environment.Photographic Lighting: Essential Skills offers practical coverage of everything you need to know to understand the characteristics of light and the foundations of photographic lighting.