This 12-lecture course uses 1492 as a focal point to follow events that enabled Spain to become a country and then an empire. It examines centuries of developments that led up to that pivotal date in Spanish history, and analyzes the consequences of the events that took place in 1492 for both Spain and the New World.
This book describes the aetiology, prevalence and frequency of anxiety disorders among college students. An overview of stress among students in developing countries is given, and how it may affect the emergence of certain diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. The effects of disclosure of past stressful events in students is also examined as well as the variables that point to the emotional processing of certain events. This book reviews the coping, mental health status, and current life regret in college women who differ in their lifetime pregnancy status.
Keith Stewart, a retiring and ingenious engineer, could not have been happier in his little house in the shabby London suburb of Ealing. There he invented the mini-motor, the six-volt generator, and the tiny Congreve clock. Then a chain of events sweeps him into deep waters and leads him to his happiest discovery yet.
Another investigation for Miss Silver. Lurking beneath the tranquillity of the country village of Greenings is a tinder-dry passion which owes its origins to events in the recent past. When Clarice Dean is found drowned in a watersplash, the match is set. Can Miss Silver put out the blaze?
This sequel to the best selling series, History's Turning Points, continues with thirteen additional moments in time that changed the course of history. These docu-dramas, with dramatizations carried out at the actual sites of the events and some newly released historical footage, provide perspectives of these events that only visual interpretations of the latest in historical research can provide.
Fly with the Wright Brothers, storm the Bastille, learn how television was created and what it meant to the war in Vietnam.