Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: With Applications To Physics, Biology, Chemistry, And Engineering
An introductory text in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, emphasizing applications in several areas of science, which include vibrations, biological rhythms, insect outbreaks, and genetic control systems. Contains a rich selection of illustrations, with many exercises and examples.
Creativity is a term often discussed in relation to education, particularly in primary schools. This book sets out to explore what it means in both practical and theoretical terms for both children and teachers. Topics covered include: planning, resourcing, organizing, managing and assessing creativity. Cameos and classroom examples are used in order to indicate effective strategies for promoting creativity within and across curriculum subjects.
Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Modern Physics
These notes are designed as a text book for a course on the Modern Physics Theory for undergraduate students. The purpose is providing a rigorous and self-contained presentation of the simplest theoretical framework using elementary mathematical tools. A number of examples of relevant applications and an appropriate list of exercises and answered questions are also given.
The Marketing Manual is a step-by-step guide to solving your marketing problem. Through questions, practical examples and mini-case studies, this book demonstrates how to prepare your marketing plan.