Once again, we join tale-teller Mr Mulliner in the snug bar of the Angler's Rest. Never short of a tall story, he has four more implausible anecdotes for his audience of fellow tipplers.
P.S. Additionaly I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our member poLUnoCHniK for his help in creating this post.
IELTS Express is a two-level preparation course for candidates studying for the International English Language Testing System examination (IELTS). The intermediate level is aimed at an IELTS score of 4 -5.5. IELTS-type tasks and practice activities provide students with the essential skills they need for exam success.
The burned man turned towards his burned friend on the other trolley. He put his hand onto his friend´s hand. "J ... a ... k ... e!" But that was his last word. He died, with his hand in the hand of his friend. "Can you hear me? Jake, did you say?" The nurse lifted the dead man´s hand away from his friend´s and laid it across his chest.
Express English / Интенсивный курс английского языка для начинающих
Язык: Русский, Английский
Год: 2008
Страниц: 367
Цель учебника - развить у студентов навыки грамотной устной и письменной речи. Грамматический и лексический материал представлен в виде иллюстрированных упражнений, текстов и правил.