Angielski z ESKK - poziom średni - (audio only)
An audio-vocabulary course for the learners of English at intermediate level. Covers about 5500 basic words and expressions used in every day situations.
Key to Algebra, Book 2: Variables, Terms and Expressions
Key to Algebra was developed with the belief that anyone can learn basic algebra if the subject is presented in a friendly, non-threatening manner and someone is available to help when needed. Some teachers use Key to Algebra as the basic text for individualized algebra course, while others use it as a supplement to their regular hardbound text. Key to Algebra shouldn’t replace group exploration of concepts, cooperative problem or class discussions.
Advanced Everyday English: Advanced Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms and Expressions
Advanced Everyday English: a self study method of spoken English for advanced students book 2. The book will be of particular benefit to those readers with an advanced level of English who wish to become (or who already are) interpreters, translators or teachers of English, or who simply want to be able to speak and understand English at a very high level. In addition, people who need to read English language journals or converse in English on a daily basis, either in business or for pleasure, will find it very useful.
This publication is entirely devoted to one of the elements of the exam FCE: Use of English. Readers are invited to a detailed and in-depth consideration of material and lots of practice exam FCE. A clear, concise explanation of grammar with numerous examples, lexical sections clearly linked to the corresponding grammar, lexical practice (Phraseological words, phrases, formation and idiomatic expressions), a large number of exercises for FCE Paper 3, observations on the most common mistakes and how to avoid them. WITH KEY!