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The third in the mystery series is where Fatty really begins to take detective work seriously. The focus of the first six chapters is Fatty spending all his pocket money on disguises: a couple of wigs, several pairs of stick-on eyebrows, false teeth, some makeup, and a cap. Naturally Fatty tries out a disguise on the other Find-Outers, and completely fools them with his "frightful French boy" act.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 9 October 2010
The 39 Clues - Book 2: One False Note
One False Note is the second book in The 39 Clues series. It was published by Scholastic on December 2, 2008. In this book, Amy and Dan learn about Mozart and travel to Vienna, Austria to search for the second clue in the 39 Clues competition. One False Note entered the Children's Books New York Times Best Seller list at number one on December 21, 2008 and stayed on the list for children's chapter books for 12 weeks.
When an aristocratic old lady is brutally murdered in her English country home on the night before September 11, 2001, it will take all the resources of the FBI and Interpol to work out the connection between her death and a priceless Van Gogh, which is stolen that night.