Периодическое издание "Граємо в англійську" станет отличным помощником для преподавателей младших классов или родителей. Каждый журнал посвящен одной теме. Содержит различные тематические игры,карточки,задания,которые помогут Вам в изучении новых слов.Задания на английском и украинском языке.
Helps students learn about family life in Shakespeare's world and works. This book looks at the classical and medieval background of family life in the Early Modern era. It also examines issues related to family life across a broad range of Shakespeare's works.
Parenting magazine is the nation's premier magazine for moms. Each issue contains age-specific child development guidance, information and tips on health and safety, and the best proven ways to stimulate your child's learning. Parenting is a great source of knowledge for new, expectant, and experienced moms everywhere.
Prevention magazine gives you healthy solutions you can really live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!
Prevention magazine gives you healthy solutions you can really live with. Every issue delivers the latest news and trends on health, food and nutrition, family, fitness, and more!