Maximus is a general in the Roman army. After his last battle he wants to return to his family. But the new Emperor Commodus hates Maximus, and kills his family. Soon Maximus is a prisoner, then a slave, and finally a gladiator. When Emperor Commodus joins Maximus in the arena they fight for their lives.
Penguin Reader, Level 4
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A Family Christmas features all the classic Disney characters, a choir of children and a grown man singing many of your favorite christmas carols. The formula bubbles over with warmth and merriment! 'The Twelve Day of Christmas' is a standout because of all the craziness that ensues as characters forget their lines, 'Away in a Manger' is a suprise becasue it's a more religious song.
This has to be one of the all time greatest Christmas albums recorded for children and adults. The selection of songs are Christmas favorites. This music is fun for the family to sing along with when putting up your Christmas tree, sitting around with the family, trying to put your baby to sleep or listening to it really loud on your way to work.
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