Financial Accounting 6e, is designed to prepare users to succeed as future business managers. The text demonstrates how financial statements are useful and interesting tools for diagnosing a company’s problems or strengths, and for making loan, investment, acquisition, employment, and political decisions. The sixth edition interweaves analytical principles with real examples and real data from well-known companies.
Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information,8 Ed
The extensively revised 8th edition thoroughly involves readers with Financial Statements by using real-world examples. The emphasis is on the analysis and interpretation of the end result of financial reporting and financial statements.
When Bubbles Burst: Surviving the Financial Fallout
What will be the outcome of the current financial crisis? How bad will the recession get? Could it turn into a depression? How far will house prices fall? Will the downturn lead to deflation or will the measures to deal with it eventually lead to inflation? These are some of the questions that John Calverly adresses in the extremely timely and topical new book. He helps everyone understand what's going on, how policy impinges on it, what investors can do and what is likely to happen.
Demystifying Exotic Products: Interest Rates, Equities and Foreign Exchange
In recent times, derivatives have been inaccurately labelled the financial weapons of mass destruction responsible for the worst financial crisis in recent history. Inherently complex and perilous for the ill-informed investment professional they can however also be gainfully harnessed.
This book is a practical guide to the complexities of exotic products written in simple terms based on the premise that derivatives are not homogenous, and not necessarily dangerous.
For a traditional Introductory to Financial Accounting course where the accounting cycle is introduced early and the focus of the course blends aspects of both "user" and "preparer" approaches.