Bertie Wooster, the dim-witted aristocrat with a heart of gold, had best avoid Bumpleigh Hall, but he pays a visit and soon is embroiled in a host of calamitous mishaps. Uncle Percy accuses him of burning down a bungalow; "Stilton" Cheesewright, betrothed to Bertie's ex-fiancee, barely controls his jealous rage; and Boko and Nobby blackmail Bertie into donning Stilton's stolen police uniform. Fortunately, Bertie's imperturbable valet, Jeeves, is nearby to perform a rescue. Jonathan Cecil brilliantly captures the characters and overall hilarity.
Start building a rock-solid portfolio with as little as $500! Do you think cash vehicle is another phrase for "expensive car"? Would you know a hybrid investment if you saw one? Does T-bill mean anything to you? The world of investing is a complex (and sometimes scary) place. Fortunately, you have a knowledgeable tour guide that speaks a language you understand!
Alan Watts Teaches MeditationMeditation is the way in which we come to feel our basic inseparability from the whole universe.
Alan Watts has become known as the West's foremost interpreter of Eastern thought, and one of the most original philosophers of this century. Fortunately for us, he is also witty, articulate, insightful, very entertaining, and a pleasure to listen to.
The Little Princess wants to have two birthdays! Very well, says the prime minister. Of course, when the princess sees how much fun two birthdays are, she must have three. Then four. Then more! But the more birthdays she has, the less special they are. Fortunately, the king has a clever solution up his royal sleeve.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 10 August 2011
The Sign of the Cross
The first victim is abducted in Italy then crucified over a thousand miles away. The next day, the same crime is repeated--this time in Asia and Africa. Three different continents but one brutal pattern: someone is reenacting the execution of Christ. While visiting Spain, Jonathon Payne and David Jones are arrested for crimes they committed during their military careers. Fortunately, the CIA brokers a deal on their behalf: all charges will be dropped if they help catch Dr. Charles Boyd, a master thief who has stolen some of the finest treasures in Europe.