English Grammar for Students of French explains the grammatical terms that are in your French textbook nd shows you how they relate to English grammar. Once you have understood the terms and concepts in your own language, it will be easier for you to undertand your textbook. With simple explanations and numerous examples this handbook compares English and French grammar, pointing out the similarities and differences.
Русско-англо-франко-итальянский словарь в картинках Предлагаемый словарь является первым опытом издания в нашей стране пособия по современному английскому (американский вариант), французскому и итальянскому языкам. Словарь содержит более 1000 слов и рассчитан на детей, а также на взрослых, начинающих изучать иностранный язык. Russian - English - French - Italian Picture dictionary
The French administrative language of the European Union is an emerging discourse: it is only fifty years old, and has its origins in the French administrative register of the middle of the twentieth century, but it is also a unique contact situation in which translation has always played a pivotal role. Using the methodology of corpus linguistics, and a specially compiled corpus of texts, covering a range of genres, this book describes the current discourse of EU French from the perspective of phraseology and collocational patterning, and in particular in comparison with its French national counterpart.
Life is full of moments when you don’t know how to act or how to handle yourself in front of other people. In these situations, etiquette is vital for keeping your sense of humor and your self-esteem intact. But etiquette is not a behavior that you should just turn on and off. This stuffy French word that translates into getting along with others allows you to put people at ease, make them feel good about a situation, and even improve your reputation.
Closely Watched Films: An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique
Added by: englishcology | Karma: 4552.53 | Other | 27 April 2009
Why exactly was Citizen Kane such a revolutionary film? What are the hallmarks of Italian Neorealism? How do directors sew together a smooth scene from five or six different shots? Fabe answers these questions and more in this primer on the narrative structure of filmmaking, which analyzes 14 benchmark movies from D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation to Mike Figgis’s Timecode. (Since each film was selected to represent a significant cinematic movement—expressionism, postmodernism, French New Wave, etc.—the book also doubles as a concise history of film’s most innovative storytellers.)