Jumpstart Creativity! is a book of games and activities that any primary teacher can do quickly, at the beginning of a lesson or as a time-filler, with little preparation. They grab children’s attention and get them focussed on learning.
There are more than fifty provocative games and activities including, 'An Alien in the Cage is Worth Two on the Moon’ and 'Faced with a Smilemma, Everybody Wins' to ‘jumpstart’ creativity in any Key Stage 2 or 3 classroom.
The field of games is a rapidly expanding field. In many institutions throughout the world, an explosion of growth has been seen in the creation of game development programs as well as courses focusing on educational games. Games have also become a hot topic in the area of educational technology research. The expansion of interest in educational gaming is due to the increased advancement of digital games and the fact that the Net or Digital Generation has literally grown up surrounded by the idea of gaming. Whether it be role play games, collectible card games, board games, or computer and console video games, a new generation is emerging with a strong gaming background.
Games: Purpose and Potential in Education focuses on issues of how games can fit into education and instructional design. Some of these specific topics relate the ideas of identity development, gender diversity, motivation, and integrating instructional design with game development. Each of these areas is important in the field of instructional design and can have a large impact on learning.
This volume brings together leading experts, researchers, and instructors in the field of educational games and explores many of the current topics in the field of educational games and simulations, the future potential of the field, and resources related to educational games and simulations.
Brand-new edition - new, clear vocabulary sections, texts, topics and activities. Culture sections within each unit enable students to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultural backgrounds. Visual material showing aspects of life in Britain and other English-speaking countries. Interactive exercises, games, films and listening.
Level: False Beginner to Intermediate A1 to Mid B1
Не побоюсь этого слова - настольная книга преподавателя английского, работающего с детьми 4-11 лет, коллекция хорошо известных и абсолютно новых карточных, настольных, подвижных, а также многих других игр. Кроме собственно игр, в книге вы также найдёте много практических советов
A fresh and enjoyable collection of games for children aged between 4 and 11, including card games, board games, physical games, and co-operative and competitive games. Gives helpful guidance for teachers on integrating games into the English syllabus, classroom management, adapting traditional games, and creating new games with children.
Review "Gee astutely points out that for video game makers, unlike schools, failing to engage children is not an option."--Terrence Hackett, The Chicago Tribune "These games succeed because, according to Gee, they gradually present information that is actually needed to perform deeds."--Norman A. Lockman, USA Today "James Paul Gee's What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy has been a transformative work. Gee might be described as the Johnny Appleseed of the serious games movement, planting seeds that are springing new growth everywhere we look. More than anyone else, he has forced educators, parents, policy makers, journalists, and foundations to question their assumptions and transform their practices. Gee combines the best contemporary scholarship in the learning scientists with a gamer's understanding of what is engaging about this emerging medium."--Henry Jenkins, author of Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide