The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution: The European economy in a global perspective, 1000-1800
This book offers a new explanation of the origins of the industrial revolution in Western Europe by placing development in Europe within a global perspective. It focuses on its specific institutional and demographic development since the late Middle Ages, and on the important role played by human capital formation.
Rock, Paper, Scissors: Game Theory in Everyday Life
Game theory is all around us. How the modern science of game theory has helped biologists to understand the evolution of cooperation in nature, and investigates how we might apply those lessons to our own society. In a series of experiments author sheds light on the problem of global cooperation. Rock, Paper, Scissors will both teach and delight anyone interested in what it what it takes to get people to work together.
Bloomberg Markets is the best kept secret in the financial industry. Learn what many Hedge Fund and Portfolio Managers already know. Bloomberg Markets is the must have guide to what's happening now, and what will happen in global finance.
Cambridge Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work
It is now widely recognised that countries around the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, and that both public and private organizations are of necessity becoming increasingly global. As political, legal, and economic barriers recede in this new environment, cultural barriers emerge as a principal challenge to organizational survival and success. It is not yet clear whether these new global realities will cause cultures to converge, harmonize, and seek common ground or to retrench, resist, and accentuate their differences.
Outbreaks of new diseases are emerging at unprecedented rates of one or more per year since the 1970s. Indiscriminate and unaware of political boundaries, newer viruses such as SARS, avian flu, and swine flu have surfaced to infect a world already battling West Nile virus, dengue fever, and HIV/AIDS. As modern health officials struggle to contain and cure these maladies, a rising drug resistance has created superbugs, making many trusted "wonder drugs" ineffective. .