Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language
Why is there such a striking difference between English spelling and English pronunciation? How did our seemingly relatively simple grammar rules develop? What are the origins of regional dialect, literary language, and everyday speech, and what do they have to do with you?
Seth Lerer's Inventing English is a masterful, engaging history of the English language from the age of Beowulf to the rap of Eminem. Many have written about the evolution of our grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, but only Lerer situates these developments in the larger history of English, America, and literature.
A High School English Grammar by George Mallory Jones, Lewis Emerson Horning and John D. Morrow (Rare Book Collection)
The aim of the authors of this book has been to treat concisely all the grammar that they think should be studied in the High School, while nothing important has been omitted, many distinctions and names that have had a time-honoured place in High School Grammars, have been omitted as unnecessary, or useless.
A very cute rhyme for kids about a little bear that doesn't want to eat anything but honey. Vocabulary focus: some foodstuff Grammar focus: Would you? I will not; pronoun 'some'; plurals of nouns.
Old English Grammar by Joseph Wright & Elizabeth Mary Wright (Rare Book Collection)
This Grammar is not intended for specialists, therefore some details of more or less importance have been intentionally omitted, but the volume contains all that the ordinary student will require to know about the subject. The student who thoroughly masters the book will not only have gained a comprehensive knowledge of Old English, but will also have acquired the elements of Comparative Germanic grammar.