The 72-page Class Book consists of clear and attractive illustrations which support the songs, chants, dialogues, and stories used to present and practise the language. Apart from unit headings, rubrics, and footnotes, intended for you to use as a quick and easy reference, there is no text. The Class Book has a carefully graded cross-curricular page in each unit. Each unit ends with a Take-home English craft activity.
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years. It can be used as a follow-on course from Happy Street. Happy Earth extends children's language skills and knowledge about the world through topic-based units. Information about the real world is balanced by animal fun and fantasy subjects of interest to young pre-teens.
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years. It can be used as a follow-on course from Happy Street. Happy Earth extends children's language skills and knowledge about the world through topic-based units. Information about the real world is balanced by animal fun and fantasy subjects of interest to young pre-teens.
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years. It can be used as a follow-on course from Happy Street.Happy Earth extends children's language skills and knowledge about the world through topic-based units. Information about the real world is balanced by animal fun and fantasy subjects of interest to young pre-teens.
A two-year course to follow Happy House, or as a first English course for children who are ready to read and write. The characters found in Happy House have grown up a little and are exploring the streets! Key features * A variety of reading texts including comic strips, topic-based texts, and rhymes. * Progressive development of writing skills. * Regular speaking activities with plenty of pairwork and games. * Material to prepare students for the Young Learners' exam.