В книге для учителя объясняется авторская концепция курса и предлагаются практические рекомендации для учителей по организации и проведению занятий в рамках курса. Книга состоит из пояснительной записки, тематического планирования разделов и уроков с выделением языкового, речевого и социокультурного материала, необходимого для проведения данных уроков. В ней также помещены тексты аудиозаписей и ключи к отдельным упражнениям.
New Happy House 2 Teacher's Resource and Evaluation Book (Polish edition) Happy House is a three-year course, starting with listening and speaking and introducing the written word gradually in later units. Happy uses different kinds of learning strategies to match children's changing development and learning styles. Teachers may start the learning journey in the reassuring setting of Happy House. Explore a world of fascinating facts with the topic-based approach of Happy World. Happy at all levels of primary!
A Labrador Retriever is an adorable bundle of black, yellow, or chocolate joy. No matter what color coat she sports, her versatility and temperament make her an equally wonderful guide dog, sporting companion, or all-around family pet. She greets each member of her human pack with enthusiasm, and her genuine love and zest for life are contagious. The Lab is a faithful friend, and after spending only a moment in each other's company, you'll find yourselves hopelessly devoted to each other.
To know a German Shepherd Dog is to love a German Shepherd Dog—those upright ears, piercing eyes that can see into your soul, that shiny black saddle sitting above sturdy, yet graceful, legs. It's no wonder the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds on the planet.