Packed with full-color photographs, this fun and practical guide gives you everything you need to make your relationship with your Boxer even better. Inside, you'll find: Characteristics to look for when choosing a Boxer; a list of supplies you'll need; advice on grooming, feeding, and training; a chart to keep track of important information. In addition, a bonus DVD shows you how to teach your furry friend basic commands and tricks, correct inappropriate behaviors, and understand his or her unique personality.
Dan 'Spider' Shepherd is sent undercover to investigate a group of policemen in the Territorial Support Group. Fed up with all the paperwork and the fact that the system is geared up to support the criminals rather than the victims, they have started to act as vigilantes, planting forensic evidence to frame known criminals, and moving on to more drastic methods ...Spider is far from happy about deceiving fellow policemen. And things are complicated on other fronts for him too: his friend Jimmy Sharpe is tied up in an undercover BNP investigation which is causing problems, and he's discovered a happy slapping film on his son's mobile ...
The police are convinced that Julia Ransom was guilty of the brutal murder of her husband, renowned psychic August Ransom. But after six months of investigation and media frenzy, she is free of their scrutiny, because of the lack of evidence. One afternoon she walks from her Pacific Heights home to Fisherman’s Wharf, alone, unwatched - and, she realizes, happy. Standing at the railing on Pier 39, she savors the sounds around her - tourists, countless seals on the barges - and for a moment enjoys the sheer normalcy of it all.
Joe and Flip Valentini go back in time with a radar gun to find out how fast Satchel Paige's pitching really was. Unfortunately, they never get to find out, attempting to do so several times only to have something go wrong in the last minute. Then Joe Stoshack leaves Flip Valentini in the past in a climatic chase scene, and Flip lives his life over again. at the end everyone ends up happy and a happy ending
"Happy English-2" ("Счастливый английский-2") является авторским продолжением учебника "Happy English-1" Т.Б.Клементьевой и совместным трудом российско-американского авторского коллектива. В издании содержится много занимательных текстов об истории Америки, жизни, учебе, традициях, развлечениях американцев. Таблицы, упражнения, иллюстрации издания служат одной задаче - создать целостное представление об английском языке. Книга полностью соответствует своему названию - счастливый, так как ученикам предлагаются только посильные задания, снабженные ключами, что создает возможность самостоятельного изучения языка.