History of the United States : Conflict & Independence (Vol. 2)
In 1921, Charles and Mary Beard published their textbook: History of the United States. A contemporaneous review stated: The authors… assume enough maturity in…students to justify a topical rather than a chronological treatment.
Longman Grammar Practice for Elementary Students 3rd Edtion (2007) with Key
Today’s students and teachers want a grammar book that helps the learner make the leap from practice to production. With 100% new content across all four levels, ‘Grammar Practice for….’ (3rd edition) meets this need.
The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis home study course is currently the best-selling covert hypnosis program on the Net today. Created by Igor Ledochowski, a renowned British hypnotherapist, this course teaches you how to hypnotize anyone … without their permission. According to Igor and his co-author, Clifford Mee, you can learn how to hypnotize and compel others to follow your commands easily … using hypnotic language structure and advanced emotional triggers in your normal conversation.
Three years ago a young boy died in tragic and mysterious circumstances, collapsing inexplicably right in front of his horrified parents. Since then, the family has fallen apart, and the boy’s father has gone off the rails. Then, one day, he recieves a very spooky email: ‘I know what happened to your child…’ Does the author really possess such vital information, or is it all just a cruel hoax? There’s only one way for the bereaved father to find out. But while the email-writer my well have the knowledge she claims, her motives for getting involved are far darker and more complicated than they at first appear…