For a topic so widespread and diversified, it’s no simple task to explain just which acts or groups are terrorist since one man’s terrorist may be another’s enforcer of justice. Still, this new, updated, and expanded edition of the Historical Dictionary of Terrorism certainly makes the situation much clearer by presenting an amazing amount of information in the dictionary’s hundreds of entries on main issues, techniques, and counterterrorism measures.
"Encyclopedia of Historical Treaties and Alliances, Second Edition" presents extensive excerpts from the treaties of more than 420 international agreements in an elegantly accessible format. Divided into chronological chapters ranging from ancient Mesopotamia to the present, each chapter begins with a summary of the important trends and events in international relations of the era. Entries on specific agreements follow, with each containing the date of the document's signing, a list of signatory nations, the leading negotiators, and key terms.
Historical Dictionary of the Hittites covers Hittite civilization from its origins through hundreds of entries on important persons, places, essential institutions, and the significant aspects of the society, Kingship, government, economy, material culture, and warfare of this ancient people. A 16-page photospread, introductory essay, chronology, and bibliography complement the dictionary entries. Scholars, students, and general readers who are interested in ancient history will find this a valuable reference work about the Hittites
HISTORY, in the widest usage of the word, is the study of events, the discovery and record of what happens; when we speak of Natural History, for example, we mean nothing less than the study of what goes on in Nature, the world about us. In a rather narrower sense, the "historical" sciences are those in which we cannot make experiments, but are limited to studying what goes on, in that order of time in which things happen to occur.
The book is a richly illustrated, pictorial album. The content and arrangement of the book is based on a collection of original rare engravings belonging to the private collection of Jan Kozák. The individual full-page reproductions give historical views on natural disasters such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, landslides and rock falls. The illustrations are accompanied by informative text describing the geophysical and historical background of the disasters, the origin of each of the engravings and the stories behind the events as well as modern day perspectives.