These Practice Materials are intended to give IELTS candidates an idea of what the test is like. They also give candidates the opportunity to test themselves to see whether their English at the level required to take IELTS
IELTS for Academic Purposes is ideal for both classroom-based learning and self-study. The core material provides approximately 40 hours of instruction, while a number of different reinforcement and extension options are provided in the other course components. Focusing on the development of key exam skills tested in the IELTS Listening, Reading,Writing and Speaking modules.
Band 5.5 to 6.5
Edited by: hanh_vn - 2 November 2009
Reason: hide tags added by decabristka, Updated link
This excellent self-study book for intense IELTS preparation in a few weeks is designed to help students achieve their best personal score. All the tips, techniques, strategies and advice are focused on maximizing students’ score by increasing their task-solving speed and efficiency, and preventing typical mistakes.