Every language has tongue twisters. They are fun to practice your pronunciation because they use sound sequences that are often difficult to say quickly. In this lesson, we look at four common English tongue twisters to help you improve your pronunciation. The tongue twisters include "Peter Piper", "Betty Botter", and more.
Master the most important GMAT idioms for sentence correction and reading comprehension with free flashcards for your Android phone. Practice every day to improve your verbal score!
How can you improve your English errors? What's the worst thing that you must avoid? What are the best ways to improve spoken grammar correctness and pronunciation?... Do you need your English speaking errors corrected? Does error correction help you improve your English speaking? Is error correction necessary in order to speak more accurately? AJ Hoge tells you the answers in this two-part video.
Behind the News - ABC Australia (Dec 6, 2016 - with English subtitle)
Behind the News is a high-energy, fun way for upper primary and secondary students to learn about current issues and events in their world. And, if you want to improve your Australian accent, listening to this show can be really helpful.