In this textbook, Michael Morris offers a critical introduction to the central issues of the philosophy of language. Each chapter focusses on one or two texts which have had a seminal influence on work in the subject, and uses these as a way of approaching both the central topics and the various traditions of dealing with them. Texts include classic writings by Frege, Russell, Kripke, Quine, Davidson, Austin, Grice and Wittgenstein.
The worksheets in this “Spring and Easter material package” have been created using the tools,
vocabulary and clip-art available on our website.
This package is devoted to sping itself and spring holidays in particular. The booklet contains more than 30 photocoplable worksheets, which include flashcards, games, puzzles and other activities of various choice.
This book has daily lessons in grammar and other elements of writing. The quick lessons are a great way to spark discussions with your students about the fundamentals of writing. The pages are easy to reproduce and include answer keys.