HSP Science was developed to help administrators, teachers, and students meet high expectations. It provides standards-based content and a research-based approach to developing the Big Ideas in Science. It stimulates curiosity and student inquiry, integrates powerful support for reading and science literacy, reaches all learners through strategies for differentiated instruction, and makes teaching science easy with a variety of teacher resources.
HARCOURT Leveled Readers can be used to complement core programs or as the main materials in daily instruction. They help teachers meet all learning needs by building fluency and independence for all students, and provide practice and the application of reading skills and strategies, as well as support small-group instruction. Fiction and nonfiction books help all learners build fluency, independence, and motivation for lifelong reading success. All titles are full color and most are with supporting audio. NEW LEVELED READERS 1 reuploaded Thanks to ninepound
Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers provide the right leveled reader for every student. Whether they are used to complement the core program or as the main materials in daily instruction, these collections help meet all learning needs in the classroom by building fluency and independence for every student, extending key themes and concepts across curriculum areas, providing practice and the application of skills and strategies, supporting small-group instruction, and meeting state standards. REUPLOADEDThanks to Fruchtzwerg
MATH IN FOCUS: The Singapore Approach thoughtfully builds on a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract progression for greater depth of instruction and mastery of math concepts. Visualization strategies allow students to master more complex problems. The Kindergarten Big Books are colorfully illustrated and engaging. They are used in the core instruction for investigation, meaningful discussion, and application of concepts.
Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction, Grades K-3
What does research tell us about how teachers can most effectively help young students learn to read? In Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction, Grades K-3, Sharon Vaughn and Sylvia Linan-Thompson explore the research on reading, providing a comprehensive overview of the five core instructional areas and how each affects student achievement: