English for Pharmacy Writing and Oral Communication
This text focuses on developing, improving, enhancing, and mastering the skills needed to communicate clearly and effectively in any pharmacy practice setting, including authentic medical and pharmacy vocabulary, pronunciation, listening comprehension, authentic pharmacist-patient dialogues, idiomatic language, and pharmacy writing. Chapters cover all the major body systems and offer a variety of interactive exercises and instruction to help readers master essential communication skills. Each chapter begins with a quick pre-assessment quiz and ends with a post-asssessment quiz.
Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction, 9 edition
TEACHING STRATEGIES: A GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION, 9th Edition, is known for its practical, applied help with commonly used classroom teaching strategies and tactics. Perfect for anyone studying education or involved in a site-based teacher education program, the book focuses on topics such as lesson-planning, questioning, and small-group and cooperative-learning strategies.
Teachers are intuitively aware of the connection between academic vocabulary and reading comprehension. Unfortunately, despite what we know about active instruction of vocabulary that will be retained by our students, teachers often assign vocabulary but rarely teach it well. The results are akin to a salesman who says about his product, 'I sold it, but they didn't buy it.' Greenwood provides teachers with the hows and whys of effective vocabulary instruction, through the use of visual organizers, user-friendly appendixes, classroom vignettes, and simple, clear language, encouraging professionals to truly engage their pupils.
Teaching Grammar in Second Language Classrooms: Integrating Form-Focused Instruction in Communicative Context
Recent SLA research recognizes the necessity of attention to grammar and demonstrates that form-focused instruction is especially effective when it is incorporated into a meaningful communicative context. Designed specifically for second-language teachers, this text identifies and explores the various options for integrating a focus on grammar and a focus on communication in classroom contexts and offers concrete examples of teaching activities for each option
Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms
Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms helps today's educators understand how to immediately use technology as a tool to differentiate instruction. The authors provide a variety of practical instructional strategies to accommodate a broad range of learning styles, abilities, and curriculum content. Creative, ready-to-use lessons mapped to curriculum content standards, activities, and templates allow teachers to kick-start their use of technology in differentiating instruction.