Intermediate British English A grammar reference book that takes students from the traditional practice of grammar form through to topic-based practice exercises.
Added by: Kyla | Karma: 209.07 | IELTS, Audio | 26 November 2009
Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, using analysis of real IELTS candidate papers. The 2 levels of Objective IELTS can be used on their own or consecutively, so that lower-level students requiring a high band score can start preparing early.
Test Master CD-ROM offers ready made progress tests, module tests and end of level tests- which the teacher is free to customise as they wish, thus offering a great deal more flexibility than standard paper tests.
Here are three CD-ROMs for elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels in one RAR and CD-ROM for Upper-intermediate level .
Over 150,000 teachers worldwide have made Opportunities their course of choice. Now, Opportunities has a new edition. With extra features, New Opportunities offers you the chance to take your classes even further. New Opportunities is the course of choice for teachers, like yourself, who want to give their students education for life!
Английский язык. X-Polyglossum English. Курс уровня Intermediate
Added by: ostrovok | Karma: 95.43 | Black Hole | 21 November 2009
На диске представлено 12 уроков, посвященных следующим разделам английского языка: Вопросительное предложение, Прямая и косвенная речь, Предложения с условиями, Согласование времен, Правила пунктуации, Выражения пожеланий, Способы сравнения, Правила чтения чисел и дат, Математика на английском языке, Повторение времен, залогов и модальных глаголов.