Going for Gold sets students firmly on the road to PET and FCE exam success with a gentle introduction to exam tasks graded throughout the course. For extensive PET courses, use the Intermediate Coursebook alongside the PET Gold Exam Maximiser. At pre-FCE level, Upper Intermediate is the perfect lead-in to New First Certificate Gold. ONLY Audio
Данные уроки явялются продолжением серии уроков, выпущенных канадской радиостанцией CBC. Представленные 16 уроков вышли в период с 8 ноября 2008 по 21 мая 2009 г. Listening 3-minute lessons for intermediate and advanced students are based on CBC Manitoba Radio Broadcasts.
Intermediate Language Practice - English Grammar and Vocabulary - for PET (B1) *Intermediate level grammar clearly explained and practised * Consolidation and extension of vocabulary in common topic areas * Vocabulary skills, including word-building and dictionary work, developed and practised * PET exam-format exercises included * Grammar index and wordlist * Ideal for self-study or classroom use
Audio course Sita Let's Talk Business is aimed for active people who would like to acquaint with vocabulary and phrases from the world of business at elementary and lower intermediate level.