Książka przeznaczona dla studentow, inżynierow (i nie tylko) studiow inżynierskich, budowlanych, środowiskowych, itp.
This book has been written for students of environmental engineering at intermediate and upper intermediate levels of English who seek to improve their language skills. Its primary goal is to present technical language in authentic texts selected from a variety of sources.
This great value manual features 104 photocopiable worksheets and tests. The book is divided into six parts of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, reading, speaking & listening and research.
Contents • Adjective Pairs – ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ Adjectives • Verb ‘to have’ • List of Common Abstract Nouns • Question Tags Using Verbs ‘could’, ‘would’ and ‘should’ • What's Wrong With This Picture? • Hotel Anagrams • Music Genres and many more...
Secret Codes (Penguin Active Reading Series - Level 4 Intermediate) For thousands of years people have used codes and ciphers to keep secrets from people who will do anything to learn them. How did secret messages cause a queen to lose her head? How have lost languages finally been understood? How did one little-known language help a country win a war? Read this book and find out.
An ESL Vocabulary Resource Book for Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Level Teaching. With over 500 top quality printable PDF worksheets, this ESL Vocabulary Worksheet E-book is the ultimate timesaver for busy teachers. The exercises best serve teachers of beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate levels.