Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving Стэн Барстоу - Такая вот любовь
Level: Intermediate Love story Запутавшаяся пара пытается разобраться в своих взаимоотношениях и думает, а может ли быть "такая вот любовь". Barstow's novel follows the fortunes of office-worker Vic Brown, who is forced to marry his pregnant girlfriend. It's the first-person, present-tense narration of Vic.
Структура данного сборника практически идентична сборнику „New Headway Intermediate Tests”. Разница заключается лишь в более сложных упражнениях. Роль картинок по сравнению с вышеуказанным сборничком уменьшается, теперь основное внимаение уделяется на проверке знания темы. В конце сборника вы найдете ответы для проверки...
A Way with Words Resource Pack 2 is a new resource book for teachers containing photocopiable materials for use in the classroom. The activities in the pack come from the original A Way with Words, Books 2 and 3, and in a limited number of exercises new activities and listening material have been added.
Based on feedback from teachers and students around the world, NEW Opportunities now comes with new features and components to make your lessons even more motivating and successful.
A four-level course designed for working adults who need English for work, travel, and socializing. This MultiROM which accompanies the Student's Book offers an interactive wordbank, reading texts from the Student's Book, dictation exercises, and practice activities for the Language focus and Focus on functions sections of the Student's Book.