A separate write-in A & B Test Book with eight Progress Tests, a midway Review Test and a final Review Test, allows teachers to keep a thorough and regular check on their students' progress throughout the year.
New Matrix allows students to develop their skills and language for exams and for use in life.
Language presentation and practice explore commonly confused structures and tenses. The contrasting of problem areas allows students to reflect on their understanding of English and to see it fall into place.
A complete six-level course for children of all ages. Fabulous photographs will fascinate children and motivate them to learn English. Easy to teach and fun to use, this is the course to make everyone smile. The gently graded syllabus gives all children a sense of real achievement. Level: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Программа, сопровождающая учебник Total English уровня Intermediate.
The workbook CD-ROM provides extra support for students who miss lessons. In addition to the recorded material from the workbooks, the workbook CD-ROMs feature ‘catch-up’ material related to the key grammar areas.
Данный аудио курс состоит из 36 коротких уроков выпущенных канадской радиостанцией CBC. Каждый урок представляет из себя короткую аудио запись (интервью, беседа) на определенную тему и серию заданий (предтекстовых, послетекстовых) к ней. Уровень сложности возрастает по мере последовательного изучения уроков (от intermediate или upper-intermediate до advanced). Файл разбит на 9 частей, в каждой из которых находятся 4 урока).
Edited by: Romadzha - 11 January 2009
Reason: rapidshare link (all-in-one) added by visan