Intermediate Listening Comprehension is the first volume in this groundbreaking listening and notetaking series of THOMSON.
This bookis designed to familiarize students with the major rhetorical patterns of formal, spoken English.
Lectures and readings from across the curriculum (history, science, anthropology, American studies, and language arts) provide stimulating content-based material for developing comprehension, notetaking, and academic study skills.Carefully sequenced progression of activities, spiraled rhetorical patterns, vocabulary, and structures, integrated speaking practice
Intermediate Vocabulary is designed to teach, test and practise the vacabulary of EFL students at a level leading up to the Cambridge First Certificate examination. It covers a wide range of topics and consists of a variety of enjoyable exercises. Over 2000 lexical items are introduced through techniques which include gap filling, matching, word formation and word building exercises.
Word games with English is a series of 3 books of carefully graded language activities to stimulate learners to practise,activate and extand their English vocabulary. Book 3 is for intermediate students.
Teaching techniques in English as a second language.
Series Editors: Russell N.Campbell and William E. Rutherford
Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary provides a sound basis for teaching vocabulary and answers such questions as: Which English words students need to learn most? Why some words are easier to learn than others.
This book includes 10 chapters: Introduction, vocabulary lessons for the first stage, more techniques for beginners' classes, special uses of visual aids, teaching vocabulary in intermediate classes, differences among intermediate students, new kinds of meanings for intermediate classes, teaching vocabulary in advanced classes, comprehension and production in advanced classes, before and after teaching.
to go is a four-level course with international appeal
for adult learners of English. It is available at Elementary,
Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate
levels, each offering 40-60 teaching hours.