Test It Fix It Vocabulary Intermediate Test it, Fix it is a series of books which show learners what they get wrong and how to put it right. Learners test their English, check their answers, then test themselves again. Feedback on every answer means students really learn from their mistakes.
Удалось выкроить десять минут для того, чтобы выложить давно подготовленную книжечку - PHRASEBOOK. Это очень небольшое, но полезное приложение к уровню Intermediate учебного курса Language to Go. (posted 2006-10-08) Mirrors added by markdog and acvi4444
The first business course written specifically for one-to-one teaching. With the innovative How to menu, students can identify their needs quickly and easily, and teachers can build a personalized syllabus that covers exactly what their student wants.
Lifelines intermediate workbook
A motivating three-level course with a clear, coherent structure and built-in flexibility. Lifelines combines thorough language presentation and practice with human-interest topics and texts. It provides core material of 70-100 hours per level.